Creating A Positive Relationship With Movement

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Written by Sarah Poling RDN, LD

Edited by Sarah Criscuolo MS, RD, LDN

Our relationship with movement can ebb and flow just like the change in seasons that we’re currently experiencing. As we move from winter to spring, the gradual shift from darkness to light can bring about a host of feelings that can impact how we feel in our bodies, how we’re moving our bodies, and what forms of movement feel uplifting, joyful, and soul inspiring.

Practicing mindful movement routines and giving yourself permission to engage in movement can certainly have many health benefits, however, if you’ve been diagnosed with an eating disorder or have struggled with disordered eating throughout your life, you may have a difficult relationship with movement. The dietitians at Karuna want you to know that you’re not alone, and even if you’ve struggled with movement at different points in your life, it’s not impossible to create a healthier and more positive relationship with it regardless of of your physical appearance, your physical abilities, the shape of your body, or how you feel about your body.


What are some signs that your relationship with movement isn’t healthy?

  • Exercise that interferes with life and relationships
  • Exercise that occurs at inappropriate times or settings and continues despite illness, injury, fatigue, or weather
  • Intense distress or feelings of guilt if unable to exercise as planned
  • Exercise as a means of purging (to get rid of or burn off food consumed)
  • Significant difficulty in changing or modifying movement routines when advised
  • Not properly nourishing and hydrating yourself when you’re exercising and especially when you’re not able to exercise

What are signs of a mindful and positive relationship with movement?

  • Honoring your body’s need for adequate nutrition and hydration by eating regular meals and snacks consisting of nourishing and satisfying foods before/during/after exercise
  • Allowing your body to rest when you notice signs of fatigue, illness or injury
  • Not allowing guilt and shame to dictate how and when you move your body
  • Practicing flexibility with your movement routine by allowing rest days, trying new forms of movement, enjoying movement with others, and creating a routine that aligns with your values
  • Your intention and motives for movement come from a place of celebration, gratitude, joy, and respect regardless or your physical abilities and appearance

How can I shift my mindset and create a more positive relationship with movement?

When you first start considering shifting your mindset, it can be helpful to think about all the positive benefits that go way beyond losing weight and changing your body. If this is a hard concept and practice, that’s okay! It’s perfectly normal to experience some internal resistance to breaking free from a habitual pattern that has been rooted in deprivation and shame. I encourage you to challenge the discomfort so that you can find consistency, as well as more sustainability, fun and joy with movement. If you’re wanting to shift out of the all or nothing thinking and diet mentality surrounding movement, then working with a Karuna dietitian will help you get started! We will help you focus on the following:

  • Find all of your positive benefits of movement that go beyond the scale
  • Ditch the diet mentality surrounding food and exercise
  • Consider what you like and your preferences for movement
  • Identify and set goals that feel happy, healthy, and sustainable for you


Use the button below to schedule an intake appointment today!

  1. Clerkin, B. (2023, July 18). What Is Exercise Addiction? | Definition & Overview.
  2. Walden. (2016, May 16). 9 Exercise Addiction Warning Signs. Walden Eating Disorders.
  3. Chandler. (2022, September 28). How to Build a Healthy Relationship with Exercise While in Recovery. Eating Disorder Hope.

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